Now Playing: "Teach ME How To Dougie" by California Swag District
Mood: Exhausted
This past weekend I took a very exciting trip to Cleveland, Ohio.
My main purpose was to go to Cedar Point Amusement Park. I had the bestie with me as he was staying for week in the area for work. The trip started on Saturday with our arrival in Cleveland Hopkins Airport, and in to pick up the rental from Avis. As we are driving we notice a sign that says Welcome to Cleveland "The Forest City". Our first inquiry was why this was named that considering within the city there is not a site of heavy brushery. So we were out up in a furnished apartment for the duration of the stay buy my friends company. Ok so here is the deal, before I moved north I was not accustomed to people not having central air. After visiting some of the houses and apartments here I learned that this was a common thing, not to have central air. When we walked into this unit, there was no central air nor a air unit or ANYTHING!! This is something I was not accustomed to at all. At that point I was totally ready to go to a hotel. I endured it for the moment that I had to stay but only because we were about to head to Day One of Cedar Point. Cedar Point was everything I expected and more, the first ride I rode was the Mantis, this was the first stand up roller coaster I ever road. My first time riding this was back in 1998 when it first opened. After that we ran from ride to ride until the end of the night when we got on the Magnum XL-200. This was the last train of the night!!!! I tell you the last train is the best train to ride, its full of thrill enthusiasts who are all screaming and hyping the ride up from beginning to end. This is the ride where i actually bought the picture. I was posed cause I knew exactly where the camera was!!!! So after a long day I had to drive back if anyone has read my post on things about me then you know I hate to drive. So I made he best of the ride back to our HOT and STEAMY quarters ;). We got in and decided to meet some associates out for drinks and laughs.
On our way out we saw a group of people at the gas station, this is not new to me because coming from the south I am accustomed to seeing groups hang out at the gas station before and after the club. Well then we witnessed them all leave at the same time. We were going in the same direction as the flow but were a good distance behind the group of cars. When we arrived at the area they were in, to make a long story short, there were gun shots and cars driving fast to get out the area. Needless to say I was petrified, shaking literally so bad I could not concentrate all I could do was call Jesus name. But i digress because that was only the beginning of the night. We entered our first venue and was very impressed and surprised, the venue was nice and the people were stylish, sexxy and chic. I thought I would have no competition but to my surprise I was not the only star there. Then we went to our second venue where the foolishness occurred. First off there was no air conditioning and the bar closed early, after paying $15.00 my crew was upset. Then the laughs started as we saw an abundance of women in bad and colorful wigs, and even a big girl in a ballerina skirt. I thought it was a Halloween weekend with all the costumes that were around there.
I only had one real complaint why did every girl walk around with their shoes in their hands. Yes barefoot at a nasty club!!!!!! Then i start noticing that even people walking down the street had no shoes on as well, was this a Cleveland thing, it was something I wanted no part of. The night ended with me falling asleep on the couch in the apartment with a box fan to cool of the Day Two was just as exciting at Cedar Point although we were rained out throughout the day, but nonetheless had an amazing time!!!!!!
So if you ever get to Cedar Point you will have a great time at "America's Roller Coaster" and also in the city of Cleveland, Ohio.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Drive-by's and More in Cleveland, Ohio!!!
Posted by
BC Chandler
12:21 PM
Friday, June 25, 2010
You Need A ME!!! (Part 2)
Now Playing: "For Good" Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth
Mood: Relieved
Continuing from my previous post here are other qualities that i possess that you should look for in your mate. I know I can not be everyones personal boo but if you use B as a model of what you want then you cant go
3. Attractiveness
I know, this one is kind of obvious, but important to some people nonetheless. A great mate will not only want to look good for you, but also for them. They should always look their best and be well put together – matching draws is a definite plus (we notice when you put that work in). Men have to be proud to have their women on their arm and enjoy the sight of her in any light. And this doesn’t mean that she has to be a Halle Berry clone. Remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so if you think her big ol’ booty svelte figure or his scruffy haven't shaved in month looks are beautiful, you’re allowed.
4. Respect
This is very important. Your partner must respect you. This means that they listen to you, even if they don’t necessarily agree with what you’re saying. And, of course, they never try to humiliate or demean you in any way, shape or form. A phenomenal person won’t ever cause scenes in public or in front of your friends and family, and will always wait to discuss matters with you in private. If they respect you, chances are that they will behave in a tactful and diplomatic manner in most situations, which is definitely a good thing.
5. Non-Controlling
Do not – I repeat – DO NOT get involved with someone who tries to get you to eat goat cheese and fruit for breakfast and insists that you give up the things you love most. You will end up resenting them more than you can imagine. A good partner lets you be you in all your glory, dirty draws and all. They have to realize the differences that men and women have and should allow you to be yourself. But within those means be mindful that something things they want you to change are better for you, like those dirty
Posted by
BC Chandler
4:53 PM
Monday, June 21, 2010
I Got De-friended on Facebook!!!!
There were so many other topics that I wanted to discuss but I thought this would be the most amusing. I was recently searching through my friends list and looking for a "friend" whose birthday is coming up here soon. As I am searching I noticed that the name does not pull up at all. I constantly look and to no avail nothing, well I instantly thought the name changed so I went to another friends page and there behold, the page ACTIVE. I clicked on it and it said "add as friend". I must have laughed so hard at that notion. Now mind you we have not had any major problems on my end but, maybe i did something wrong, hey I dont know. I rarely accept requests on facebook now cause I dont care for all the friends. I guess I got the definition of a friend mixed up totally and need to re-evaluate who I call "friends". So after contemplating what to do I was like, do I say something, well obviously the birthday gift is out the door, or do I leave it alone. Knowing that the "friend" will never read this post it brings up all types of issues. I think this is my way of getting it out there cause the "friend" will always say "you took it personal". Knowing that you had to manually go in and hit delete, I know it started "personally".
Posted by
BC Chandler
6:35 PM
Friday, June 18, 2010
Summer Vacation I
Its that time again for my summer travels. I have a lot planned this summer and it starts this weekend. If i am in your city make sure you get at me. Now this is just the first part of my These dates have been confirmed:
Memphis, Tennessee June 19-21, 2010My annual trip for Father's Day back to my hometown. Memphis has some of the best barbeque in the USA. Along with nightlife in downtown Memphis and the visiting of my family members, this is sure to be the great kickoff to my summer vacation. I can not forget about DAD, now this man is highly a disgruntled man but it is always great seeing him when I can. I have to say I was a very rebellious child but as I grew older I developed a better relationship with both my parents. So I am looking forward to seeing the family this weekend. oooh and yes I plan on partying as!!!!!!!
Cleveland, Ohio June 26-28, 2010
Anyone who knows me knows that I am an amusement park enthusiast. This year as I do every year, or at least try to, is my Cedar Point Trip. This park has had notably some of the largest and fastest roller coasters in the USA and held some of the titles in the world in the past. Some of my favorites would include the Millennium Force, Mantis, Raptor, and which i have yet to ride, Top Thrill Dragster. This beast takes you at 120mph into the sky and back down. Can you say I am excited!!!!! Two whole days in the sun having fun!
Houston, Texas July 4-6, 2010
MY second Home. Houston oh Houston, I have so many memories! Well this trip is strictly for play. Just visiting friends and seeing extended family. Eating at some of my favorites spots including the Breakfast Klub and Dessert Gallery. Also have to go back
and visiting my old stomping grounds the University Of Houston Go COOGS!!!!
Los Angeles, California July 10-12, 2010 Home of Pinky's and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. as many times as I have been here i tend to always end up doing the same thing. That would include movies, The Beverly Center, my favorite restaurant Yamashiro, and attending the Mansion Party. This party happens every Second Saturday and is $20.00 with open bar. Last time I went Precious was in attendance. Didn't make me jump but that's what I remember.
Other dates that are tentative would include:
Las Vegas, Nevada
San Diego, California
Beijing, China
New Orleans, Louisiana
Posted by
BC Chandler
7:43 AM
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Being #2............
Mood: Ecstatic
Now Playing: "Boyfriend #2" -Pleasure P
I was at lunch with a group of friends recently and a sensitive subject came about in the discussion. The topic was about being number two in a relationship, or a mistress. Now anyone who has known me know that when I was younger being second was never an issue for me. Most of the friends that I had were the number ones, i was a bad friend i know. I lost alot of friendships on the way and regretted a lot of decisions I made as well. In my mind it was all about me.
Moving forward til now, my friend opens up and tells her story about being the other woman. She tells us in her candid version that she had been seeing this guy for about four months, and he told her from the start that he was in a rocky situation. She decided to befriend him and things escalated from that point on. Now her feelings are involved and she is not able to just walk away from the relationship. Within the conversation she really started to doubt herself and ask questions like,
"Is she cuter than me"
"What does she have that I don't have"
I had to stop her then, cause I hate when people do this. The fact of the matter is that it does not matter what you have or how cuter you are they have what it is that you want. Now i am not a fan of cheating, now that I am older. When I reflect on past relationships I was always the one that got cheated on. I understand stepping out, when a man or woman cheats on their mate its not that the grass is greener on the other side. I believe that the other person offer the cheater something that not being offered at home. Example:
#1 Me #2 Cheater #3 Sex
#1 ME #2 Cheater #3 Emotion
#1 Me #2 Cheater #3 Attention
I can boldly admit that when I found out what the basis was for their lust of the other person I had to re-evaluate myself.
Getting back to her, So I asked her what is that they do when they are together. She replied after thinking about the answer and said "sex". We all said "that's it". That was exactly what he was missing at home. It may not have been the act but maybe the excitement that you bring to the bedroom. At this point I believe she was very hurt, like anyone with feelings would be, but luckily she had someone who shares a similar situation as she does, ME!!!!!
BC Chandler
Posted by
BC Chandler
11:38 AM
Monday, June 14, 2010
What B Wants (Episode 1)
Mood: Unsure
Now Playing: Dondria "You're The One"
So tonight we shot the first episode of "What B Wants" and here is the recap. I had my relationship expert Mav on deck to find out whats the issue with me closing the deal on prospects. So while we were at the restaurant this is what happened as soon as we sat down.
Server: What can I get yall to drink?
Me: Do yall have any drink specials?
Server: I am the drink special!!!!
Me: *places menu over my face embarrassed*
Friend: Well I want you
Server: I got you!!!
Why couldn't i say something savvy like that instead of crawling into my shell. Thats why I have my relationship expert Mav on deck. He is the one who seems to not have a problem being in the public eye and making things happen, I can always count on him to close the deal. So he was not there when this went down but i immediately called him and he came to my rescue. See I believe I am a great conversationalist, I can stimulate your mind. But what does that mean when I cant even get a number to continue the act of wooing. Yes, I am old school I believe in courting and taking time to know a person before you jump into something committed or long term. It takes more than one day and one date to get into a relationship with me. So Mav told me that in my conversation with people i get into the friend zone and people lose interest in dating or anything else because I have become now "a friend". I agree but I think that friends are the best lovers. Then I asked myself, "Hows that working out for you?" "Not too good", I replied. So I have to change my ways to start appealing to the crowds. After a long nights conversation I was made to get the number of the server because she had hooked us up with drinks. I have a lot of insecurities that totally make me shy but they pressured me to do it. So we got the number and I stored in my phone never to use it cause I am ULTIMATELY scared of rejection. Hey it could be the wrong number!!!! What are some of your closing the deal techniques help ya boi out.
Posted by
BC Chandler
7:58 PM
Monday, June 7, 2010
Since I think I am the perfect mate in a relationship. I wanted to share some of my qualities since it should be the qualities that everyone should look for within a partner.
Being independent is a great quality to have, you take care of yourself, and make sure that everything around you is in tip top shape. You seem to have it going on. But, lets not forget an independent person is also "dependent" to some extent. We all know that no one can do it all alone. No one wants someone they have to baby-sit. Once in a while, like if they have had a rough day at work, it’s great to be their shoulder to cry on, but if your mate can’t seem to wipe their butt without you handing the toilet paper to them, you will eventually feel like you’re suffocating, which is a surefire way for you to go running out the nearest exit. So when he or she says "no one does anything for me" they are either telling a bold face lie or, they are being really shallow. On the other hand, if they have their very own personality and opinions, and can stand on their own two feet, both financially and emotionally, and is able to enjoy time away from you – while still missing you, of course – then that starts to build the best person for you.
2. Intelligence
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the ditzy dumb-blonde chick routine gets real old, real fast, and also the thugged out all I know are rap lyrics attitude. Instead of being the one in total control, you’ll find yourself trying to figure out what your mate is really thinking behind those glazed eyes (or if they are actually thinking at all). An intelligent person will constantly surprise you and keep you on your toes. They won’t let you get bored. Besides, it’s nice to have something to talk about between all that toe-curling, spine-busting "munching".(LOL)
Please do keep in mind that intelligence is not how many degrees you have but a combination of education and life experiences. I always tell everyone that I did not take the traditional route with my education but I learned some valuable lesson that I definitely hope to share with the young people that I come across. be continued
BC Chandler
Now Playing: "I Need A You"- LeToya Luckett
Mood: Sexy
Posted by
BC Chandler
3:40 PM
I'M BACK!!!!!!!
This is just a teaser to let everyone know I am going to strive to use my blog more efficiently. Inspired by a childhood friend to write more, this helps me tackle challenges and well as clear my mind. Everyone knows that I am a guarded individual but this is my way of letting people get into my intimate side. Be ready for family issues, love problems and just silly banter. There has been alot going on and I am sure ready to tell everything....... So Stay tuned!!!!!!
BC Chandler
Posted by
BC Chandler
8:10 AM