Ok so there is this guy whom I require a service from. See I was referred to him, saying he was the best at what he does. This PUNK BITCH has the worst attitude ever.
I do not know if it is aimed at me but, I seem to think so. I went to him earlier this week and this visit took the cake. As I sat down and thought about how I had been disrespected the many times I had been there I decided to take actions into my own hands. I left never to return again. Like Lauryn Hill said, "you might win some, but you just lost one".
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Why I am pissed......
Posted by
BC Chandler
5:28 PM
The Worst Mistake of My Life
Ok i dont talk about my love life cause basically I don't have one. I might start back seriously dating in 2008. Well see this ex, at least that's what you would call it, we were together but i would say acquaintances for about five years from start to finish. Well check it, my ex was heavily on my mind the other day, and I did not want to call. T spoke with a good friend of mine and worked in a conversation about my ex to see how things were. After telling my boi that my ex was heavily on my mind he suggested i call. My dumb ass listened to my boi, who was high at the time, and called. Needless to say after a three minute conversation I felt like I had been degraded and cheated of my time. I have moved on since the ending of our acquaintanceship, but being the type of person I am.......hmmm answer. There is really no friendship after relationship (until proven wrong). Nor am I heartbroken, sad, or crushed, just a little confused but, I knew one thing, I WILL NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN.
Posted by
BC Chandler
5:03 PM
This Crazy Thing We Call LOVE
I found a great muse for this crazy thing we call love. I recently helped a friend move out of a home and relationship. It was so crazy because, as her mate claimed love they also wanted jail time given. Now i am really good friends with both parties and it was hard to maintain an equal stance. This experience being so close to home made me ponder the thought of being in love. Why do we do all the crazy things we do? Ok i have been in this situation once before and yes i was labeled the pshychotic one. A very bad experience for me but also a great lesson learned. Well anyway my girl tells me she had fallen out of love and could no longer suffocate herself with a lie anymore. With the truth being put out on the table thats when the shit hit the ceiling. Everything started moving fast and and before I knew it I was packing boxes and moving TV's. when talking to my friend it was made evident that she only wanted friendship and no longer a relationship. There are so many questions i have and so many different answers I get. Hopefully I will get answers.
Posted by
BC Chandler
4:43 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
On my recent visit to Houston i sat back and enjoyed the sites and sounds of the city. Ok here it goes, I was rolling through the hood because there is this little shack I like to go to called Burgers Fries and Things. While i was passing through I noticed there were young women outside hanging out. Well these women all had hard and colored hair. Then when I noticed that I slightly remembered one of the young ladies I proceeded to speak to her them realized she had a couple of gold teeth in her mouth. WOW!!!!! yes today in the year of our Lord 2007. This was amazing. Then I talked to some of the guys around and the word that was being refered to me as to was "mane". "Mane", apparently from the movie "Hustle and Flow", is an urban venaculor name for someone whom you are not familiar with their name. Ok i thought this was crazy until I got in the car and drove down the street, I saw a big sign that said "GRAND OPENING BAR-BE-QUE AND DETAIL SHOP", awe great love BOBO that is until I saw a bbq pit and a waterhose and I said only in the South.........
Posted by
BC Chandler
5:08 AM
Great Week, Better Weekend?
My visit to Houston was awesome, even with the minor drama that occured, I still maintained to have a good time with friends. I got a chance to visit all of my old spots and even more. Its weird because as we are growing older I see my friends branching off and becoming the wonderful and successful people they are suppose to be, the best dad, the working young mother, the public relations contact, the successful businessman, the musician, to name a few, all climbing towards that goal of completeness. Makes me wonder as I watch them grow hopefully I am growing with them and not apart. To all of them I wish them the best of luck. Now since i am heading back home whats up with the weekend.........
Posted by
BC Chandler
4:56 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Houston here i come
I plan on visiting Houston for a couple of days, my boyz and girls are all ready for me, each one taking days off of work and trying to out do the other. I just need to hit up my spots Kona Grill, Centercourt Pizza and Brew and a Rockets game (maybe, you know I got the serious hook up if they acting right). Excited about seeing friends and old faces and of course having them see me. I wonder how long will it be until I get bored I will let you know….
Posted by
BC Chandler
8:39 AM
Another day of work for ya boi. I walked into work this particular day and of course my attitude was a little foul, some people would say as usual. As I got to my area and settled down to do a little bit of work before drinking my hot tea and reading the paper I was just amazed at how nosey people really are, where you going, what you doing, where you hang the next time someone else whom I don’t have a relationship with or not even trying to make a friendship out of then my simple response will be “none of your damn business’ that will shut them up. I am sure they wont even ask me for a tic tac….. I think I am an unhappy person well that’s what someone told me (it’ll take me a minute to think about that one)……….
Well of course here I am at work and back to reading again, in the article it talks about how an undercover sting was done in ATL, where at hotels they were not properly cleaning the glasses in the rooms. Well since I try to be a world traveler this adversely affects me. I like to use those glasses in rooms sometimes for my late night coke and peanut butter crackers, a lil tidbit about me. They were saying the housekeepers were swishing the cups in water then leaving them to dry, how gross. Now I guess I have to bring my own cups to hotels now, which adds more stuff to my ever growing bag. Now back to this damn job. Someone just came up to me and gave me some information that was useless to me but useful to them. I listened and basically told him, ‘that is really not a battle for me, I am here to work so it doesn’t bother me”. Well he proceeds to talk so at this point I gave in and told him that I had not been subjected to any of his complaints so I don’t care. Then this punk bitch starts telling me about rules and regulations. Now no one should wonder why I always have this scouring look on my face. Did I not just tell him I don’t care maybe he didn’t hear me, so I walk of telling him I had something else to do. Think its over right……nope he calls me at the end of the day to place his point again, and that’s when the fireworks went off. I was ready to go and he held up my process by 30 seconds. Well after that I am sure he will not be speaking to me anymore, I like that idea better.
Posted by
BC Chandler
8:34 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I wanted to try something new
Car je lis les Etats-Unis aujourd'hui, que je lis périodiquement au travail. Enfer correct que je connais que je suis suppose travailler mais quelque personnes peuvent attendre parce que son toujours tout au sujet de MOI. Quoi qu'il en soit, je renverse à travers et son un article sur des lignes aériennes de Singapour, qui est apparemment la meilleure ligne aérienne au monde. Elles parlent de leurs préposés de vol, de tous les jeunes et de femmes naturellement. Jaillissent l'article déclare qu'elles passent par la formation pendant quatre mois. Ce qui dans l'enfer font ces chiennes apprennent en quatre mois. Aucun sérieusement, j'ai voulu savoir ainsi j'ai fait une peu de recherche ainsi je pourrais comprendre peu un plus..................... Nope n'a découvert rien que c'était absolument la chose la plus drôle à moi. Je devrai dire cependant, ils suis le numéro évalué un dans beaucoup de merde dans cet enfer d'article peut-être que je devrais aller à la formation pendant quatre mois. De l'autre côté j'effectuerais probablement mon travail au lieu de la lecture et l'écriture au sujet de ce naw I d'enfer de lol d'article...... ne fait aucune formation pendant quatre mois. Les chiennes finales des pensées.......them veulent vraiment voler.
Posted by
BC Chandler
5:12 PM
Posted by
BC Chandler
1:21 PM
Passport Returned
Well this week I finally got my passport back. Now after all that fuss about missing it I find myself not even keeping up with it. Crazy thing is when it came in the mail the place I put it was in the back seat of my car and proceeded throughout my day of errands, and then into the night with partying a little bit . It still never really crossed my mind of how important that little book is even though i missed it when it was gone.............. One day i will grow up
Posted by
BC Chandler
1:13 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Racism or not?
While on a flight to visit a friend in Tampa there was an African American man maneuvering bags in the overhead bin, well while hw was in there doing whatever, he touched the bags of an older white couple. The lady proceeded to scream to her husband “ Sam he is touching our bags, what the hell is he doing, do something” One would believe the tone in her voice is that of urgency like someone was taking her bags off the plane and she was never to see them again. Also she could have just been one of those people who doesn’t like her stuff touched. As I told this story the different comments I got varied, mostly laughter, that is until I pulled in race. Then it got serious, so it made me wonder even today after all the equality and more does race still plays a bigger issue in the scheme of things?
Posted by
BC Chandler
12:03 AM
How funny can the hurt be?
I was strolling through the airport in Chicago and decided to take the moving walkway to make my next destination. Well needless to say no one ever reads the sign that says “walk on the left, stand on the right”. Maybe there should be one that says “forward facing only”. This lady proceeds to flirt with her male mate while turned the wrong way at the end of the moving walkway then falls. I laugh hysterically as to find out her and I are on the same flight. But to my dismay she says that her backside is hurting. It feels good to laugh remembering how she was sprawled out in the middle of one of America’s busiest airports and no one really cared to offer support. Man I would like to see that on the security cameras, as I am writing I a cant stop laughing.
Posted by
BC Chandler
12:02 AM
Dilemma #2 Passport Lost
How can one loose something so important well I have answers well I have an answer pure mishap. My world has now stopped in its track, no more Europe, Asia, South America hell not even Canada for at least two months if it isn’t found soon. Well in my passport quest it brought me to Chicago where I found out it was lost at. I approached the lost article counter and rang for the attendant whom asked me to state my concern. I told her my name and everything I found out before I came, and was requesting a status report. Her simple reply was “it was mailed”. So then I proceeded to ask “when where to and how”. I believe those were good follow up questions but once she heard those words an immediate discomfort came over her and her body language turned to as if I had asked her to do something out of her job description. So immediately I asked her did I take her away from her dying child in the back, because that would be the only reason why she would be so rude. As I have worked in customer service I wonder did I ask too much of her or did she feel as though my lost article, which employs her, was not important enough? We shall see……..Awaiting passport.
Posted by
BC Chandler
12:01 AM
Week so far
Last weekend my travels brought me to San Jose, CA within my weekend all I have to show is about five extra pounds and all from Peggy Sue’s Diner and by my rating she gets an A-. During my weekend I finished reading Karine Staffans book “The Vixen Dairies”. At this point it is very uninspiring as a memoir. Maybe instead of a memoir then she could give as a fiction novel with a plot and nothing based on her life please.
Wow what an interesting day I had the other day. Waking up in hysteria because I thought I had slept the day away. Knowing I had to be somewhere at 8am I somehow turned off my alarm and went right back to sleep. After a long evening of dealing with me and my crazy issues this hardly would be a day to start off wrongly, but when the bad days come its just not one its many. So when arriving at work there were a couple of issues that need to be addressed. Needless to say no one wanted to handle the issues and when upper level management arrived the concern was not of safety it turned to appearance. But appearance of upper level management was that to be questioned. Which brings me to the question should there be a lead by example clause? Undoubtedly, I would say yes but then again this is America and everyone has an excuse and a counter argument. We will see where this leads.
Posted by
BC Chandler
12:00 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Delimma #1: Thanksgiving Holiday
My Mom’s family has now decided to spend the holiday in Florida. Although I have that Thursday and Friday off and maybe that weekend, I almost don’t want to go. Reason being I have now been invited to have Thanksgiving in “The District” with friends. My heightened belief is the fact that now I can possible meet and greet with a couple of more people with a more upper crest crowd like that of which I came from….lol. On the other hand I believe my mom wants us to portray “the perfect family” this holiday season. Seeing as though my sister just recently married into “the perfect family”. My answer just very well may depend on my father’s answer……and his answer should be very interesting.
Posted by
BC Chandler
11:58 PM
Well with my new move to the DC Metro Area, a lot of things have started to play “Déjà Vu”. Reminiscent of my 1998 move to Houston, Texas the making of new friends, finding places to hang, and the ever presence of maneuvering around a new city. I have met a couple of friends and reacquainted myself with old associates. But knowing me how long will I be in the presence of new and old faces. We will see how this plays out. Developing………..
Posted by
BC Chandler
10:09 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Britney Spears
For all of us who were lost in this weeks Britney Spears saga. She had to temporarily surrender custody of her sons to Kevin Federline because she defied a court order, according to court documents released Thursday.
The documents in the divorced couple's ongoing custody battle show Superior Court Commissioner Scott M. Gordon ordered them both not to drive their children unless they're properly insured and have a valid driver's license.
"At all times, the minor children shall be transported in a properly insured and registered vehicle, which shall be driven only by a properly insured driver who has a current and valid driver's license," Gordon wrote.
The pop star disobeyed the order when she was photographed driving Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, a few days after the Sept. 28 order.
She was ordered Oct. 2 to relinquish her children "until further order of the court" when she wasn't able to prove compliance with Gordon's order, namely proof of a valid California driver's license.
The two previously had joint custody of their sons, and Federline was seeking a greater share of custody. After he got temporary custody, Spears went to a motor vehicles department office and got a temporary driver's license.
Posted by
BC Chandler
7:18 AM
'The Dream' is a 10 in songwriting circles
Def Jam Recordings
Terius "The Dream" Nash has already co-written two of the year's biggest hits — Rihanna's Umbrella and J. Holiday's Bed— and he's hoping a third will make him a household name.
The singer/songwriter's Shawty Is a 10 is climbing Billboard's urban and rhythmic top 40 charts and building anticipation for the Dec. 11 release of his debut album, Love Hate. The song, which originally had a more R-rated title and lyrics, also is getting a boost from a remix featuring R. Kelly.
CLIP: Listen to The Dream's Shawty Is a 10
"Shawty Is da S—- couldn't be played on radio," says The Dream, 27, whose second single, Falsetto, just went to radio. "So I decided on calling her a 10 because it means the same thing, that she is so fly and she is so cool."
The Atlanta-based artist hoped to launch his career with Bed, but let it go to Holiday before signing his contract with Def Jam. He wrote Shawty a week later. Like the other two hits, the song has his familiar "Eh, eh, eh" riff.
"That's just me trying to find something that ties back to me. Fans don't always check the credits, but if they love one song you did, they are going to love others," The Dream says.
He and partner Christopher "Tricky" Stewart (Dream does the concepts and lyrics; Stewart, the music) are suddenly one of the most in-demand songwriting teams in urban music.
They wrote and recorded Love Hate in nine days this summer while they were in Las Vegas crafting new material for Celine Dion. They've also recently done songs for Sting, Usher, Mariah Carey, Nicole Scherzinger, Jamie Foxx, Janet Jackson and The Dream's wife, R&B singer Nivea. He has eight songs on Mary J. Blige's upcoming Growing Pains, including the first single, Just Fine.
Even though he'd been playing instruments since third grade (trumpet, saxophone, snare drum), he didn't envision a music career.
"My granddaddy was very old-fashioned," he says. "I remember him telling me that I was never going to make money in the music business. Knowing his sense of humor, he would be laughing right now."
The Dream wrote for local artists and rappers before attracting the attention of producer Laney Stewart, Tricky's brother, who signed him to a publishing deal at Peer Music. His big break came in 2002 when B2K recorded his song Everything for their platinum Pandemonium. A year later, he wrote Me Against the Music, a hit single for Britney Spears featuring Madonna.
He says he's happy with his success but unwilling to compromise his music to get it into the hands of the biggest artists. Chris Brown wanted Bed, but The Dream didn't think the sexy song fit an 18-year-old. "It's a great lovemaking record. It meant more to me to find the perfect singer for it rather than risk the integrity of the record."
Next up is shooting a video for third single She Needs My Love, which features Kanye West.
"He mentioned to L.A. (Island/Def Jam chairman Antonio Reid) that he wanted to get on the record," The Dream says. "My peers appreciate things that I do, just as I appreciate them."
Posted by
BC Chandler
7:12 AM